Exhibit Schedule
You must be a current, dues paid member in order to exhibit.
Questions? Email Exhibit Coordinator – Jennifer at exhibits@laphotosociety.com
DOWNLOAD The LPS 2024 Manship Exhibit Book
2025 Exhibit Schedule
The Baton Rouge Garden Club has again asked the Louisiana Photographic Society to help them with their annual Scholarship Benefit Fundraiser Event.
Each year the Baton Rouge Garden Club hosts a Tablescape Flower Show in the Garden Center located behind the EBRP Library on Goodwood, at which they interpret art (our images) with flowers and a table setting. This program provides funding for their scholarship program, but it is also a wonderful way to display local talent and art. LPS will partner with them again for the February 22 & 23, 2024 show.
Drop your exhibit ready images off at the Goodwood Library on January 9th 5:00pm – 8:30pm. We will loan these images to the Garden Club for their members to choose one to work with. They will then have about a month to interpret and design a flower arrangement & table setting around that image. Images not interpreted will still be displayed.
Images can be any medium under 30” wide as long as they can fit on an easel.
You can post the image for sale if you choose to.
Each day, everyone that attends the show receives a voting card. Attendees vote on the tablescapes, such as Best Photograph, Best Table Setting or Best Photo/Table grouping. It is fun to see who places!
Images must be picked up at the end of the show at 4:00pm on Sunday February 23rd.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at webmaster@laphotosociety.com.
For more information on our best practices visit the Exhibit FAQs.
Individual Online Exhibits
View Featured Members of the LPS on our online gallery site.
Contact Jennifer to be included in the online exhibits and member features.
Active Members of LPS can submit a images for feature (or update their images for feature) by using this form:
We appreciate and welcome all your participation.