Mission The mission of LPS is to advance and promote the art of photography in the River Parishes of south Louisiana. To help achieve this goal, we offer our members a variety of programs, classes, seminars, and field trips throughout the calendar year. And on occasion, we get together just to have fun.
Meetings Our meetings are generally held the fourth Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm, except November and December or in the event of a conflict. We meet at the East Baton Rouge Parish Library on Goodwood Boulevard in the first floor conference room. Visitors are welcome to attend any meeting. For those wishing to become members, dues are $25 per year, plus $5 each for additional family member. Each meeting consists of a competition and a program featuring a guest speaker. Members are encouraged to submit entries for the competition. We vote on the entries and results are announced at each meeting. Who wins is not important, what is important is the knowledge gained from studying other entries and sharing in the details of how those images were captured.
Classes We offer members educational classes, each covering a specialized topic, by their request. Such topics include digital photography, Photoshop, macro photography, and many more. Further, some topics may be broken down into skill levels: beginner, intermediate, and advanced. Classes are usually held on Saturday and are 2-3 hours in length.
Seminars Occasionally, LPS is proud to bring in one or more of the top experts in some aspect of photography for a seminar and/or workshop. Attending a seminar or workshop by these professionals on your own can cost hundreds of dollars. But as a club, we are able to bring these seminars to our members for a small fee per member. Hands-on workshops will have a limit on participants and may require an additional, but modest, fee.

© Louisiana Photographic Society, 2020-25. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material or images/photographs without express and written permission from author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to the photographer and Louisiana Photographic Society with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.